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【预告】Weighted norm inequalities and their applications on vector-valued Fock spaces

来源: 日期:2023-09-22 作者: 浏览次数:



报告题目:Weighted norm inequalities and their applications on vector-valued Fock spaces

报告摘要:In this talk, we characterize the d×d matrix-valued weights W on the complex plane \mathbb{C} such that the Fock projection P_α is bounded on the vector-valued spaces L^2_{(α,W)} (C^d ) induced by W. It is proved that P_α is bounded on L^2_{(α,W)} (C^d ) if and only if W satisfies a restricted A_2-condition. Then we establish some function-theoretic and operator-theoretic properties for the Fock spaces F^2_{(α,W)} (C^d ) induced by the d×d matrix-valued weights W satisfying the restricted A_2-condition: we show that the \mathbb{C}-valued polynomials are dense in F^2_{(α,W)} (C^d ); a Littlwood-Paley formula for F^2_{(α,W)}(C^d ) is established; the bounded diferentiation and integration operators D^(n) :F^2_{(α,W)} (C^d )→L^2 (ΦdA;C^d ) are characterized, where Φ jis a nonnegative matrix-valued function; we also investigate the boundedness of the Volterra type integration operator I_G acting on F^2_{(α,W)}(C^d ), where G is a matrix-valued entire function. in particular, it is shown that for d≥2, T_G may be unbounded on F^2_{(α,W)} (C^d ) when G is a linear polynomial, and I_G may be compact on F^2_{(α,W)} (C^d ) when G is a polynomial of degree greater than 3. These phenomena are in sharp contrast with the case d=1, where I_G is bounded (resp- compact) if and only if G is a polynomial of degree not more than 2 (resp. a linear polynomial).

报告人介绍:王茂发,武汉大学数学与统计学院副院长、教授、博士生导师,全国泛函分析空间理论学术委员会成员、现代分析数学及其应用学术委员会成员,研究领域为泛函分析及其应用,多次承担国家自然科学基金重点、面上等项目,在 Journal of Functional Analysis, Journal of Operator Theory, Mathematische Zeitschrift, Indiana University Mathematics Journal, Science China: Mathematics 等知名期刊上发表学术论文九十余篇。